9 research outputs found

    Rozdíly mezi pravdivou a lživou online textovou komunikací

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    V článku porovnáváme „běžnou“ a „lživou“ internetovou komunikaci vedenou přes Windows Live Messenger. Respondenti měli v experimentálně pojatém výzkumu nejprve za úkol komunikovat s druhou neznámou osobou, poté dostali za úkol komunikovat s jinou osobou a přitom předstírat identitu opačného pohlaví a lhát. Následně jsme porovnávali jazykové prostředky, které byly v obou typech komunikace používány. Výsledky ukázaly, že lživá komunikace obsahovala větší počet slovesných tvarů v prvním stupni, více příslovcí, vět a otázek a menší počet číslovek a slov v druhém pádě a jejich vzkazy byly kratší. Rozdíly mezi klamavou a běžnou komunikací se lišily u mužů a žen: u mužů se při klamavé komunikaci oproti pravdivé změnily spíše lingvistické charakteristiky jejich projevu (počet příslovcí), kdežto u žen spíše charakteristiky strategie komunikace (počet otázek). Článek může sloužit jako výchozí bod pro práci na nástrojích umožňujících automatickou analýzu klamání na internetu v českém jazyce

    Human Factors in the Cybersecurity of Autonomous Vehicles: Trends in Current Research

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    The cybersecurity of autonomous vehicles (AVs) is an important emerging area of research in traffic safety. Because human failure is the most common reason for a successful cyberattack, human-factor researchers and psychologists might improve AV cybersecurity by researching how to decrease the probability of a successful attack. We review some areas of research connected to the human factor in cybersecurity and find many potential issues. Psychologists might research the characteristics of people prone to cybersecurity failure, the types of scenarios they fail in and the factors that influence this failure or over-trust of AV. Human behavior during a cyberattack might be researched, as well as how to educate people about cybersecurity. Multitasking has an effect on the ability to defend against a cyberattack and research is needed to set the appropriate policy. Human-resource researchers might investigate the skills required for personnel working in AV cybersecurity and how to detect potential defectors early. The psychological profile of cyber attackers should be investigated to be able to set policies to decrease their motivation. Finally, the decrease of driver’s driving skills as a result of using AV and its connection to cybersecurity skills is also worth of research

    Few notes on conducting cultural comparisons in psychological research

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    Some problems of conducting cultural comparisons in psychological research are mentioned. First, the constructs and methods used often don't tell anything meaningful about cultures in question - as if we used temperature (construct) and thermomether (method) to compare water and nitrogen. Often, method developed to measure construct meaningful in culture A (or construct meaningful for comparison between culture A and other cultures) is used to compare cultures B and C. As a result, the used method might measure something, which is relevant only for some of the compared cultures, or is not meaningful for such cultural comparison at all - cultures B and C might look similar when construct meaningful for description of difference between cultures A and D is used. Second, groups not being represented in academia in countries in question (often indigenous groups in these countries) are often omitted from research. Researchers from some countries might be motivated to don't mention such groups in the published research. Third, researchers often generalize developed constructs and results to larger groups than they have actually knowledge and understanding about. Chauvinist idea that one's own culture is representative for geographically close cultures might be behind this behavior as well as pragmatic idea that the research stating its results to be valid for larger group of people has larger chance to be published. Fourth, constructs and methods developed by these types of research are published in psychological journals, which ignore these issues. Before preparing a cultural-comparative research it is recommended to get good knowledge about cultures in question and use this knowledge to judge meaningfulness of constructs used in psychological research. If there are no meaningful constructs for description of differences between cultures in question, it is better to develop a new construct

    Использование симуляторов вождения в психологическом исследовании

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    Driving simulators are important research tools that help to assess drivers’ behavior. The article reviews which topics are studied with driving simulation in psychological journals, what kinds of driving simulation might be used, how many participants are necessary for such research to be publishable, and what kind of variables might be used. The text might be useful for psychologists when they plan to conduct research using a driving simulato

    Использование симуляторов вождения в психологическом исследовании

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    Driving simulators are important research tools that help to assess drivers’ behavior. The article reviews which topics are studied with driving simulation in psychological journals, what kinds of driving simulation might be used, how many participants are necessary for such research to be publishable, and what kind of variables might be used. The text might be useful for psychologists when they plan to conduct research using a driving simulato

    Řidičské styly: Klasifikace, metody výzkumu a specifika mladých řidičů

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    Lidský faktor je zásadní proměnnou ovlivňující bezpečnost silničního provozu. Důležitou součástí toho, jak se lidský faktor v silničním provozu projevuje, je styl, jakým řidič řídí své vozidlo. V tomto článku shrnujeme výzkum týkající se řidičských stylů mladých řidičů. Zabýváme se metodami, kterými se řidičské styly zkoumají, jako jsou např. metodyNaturalistic Driving studies. Dále popisujeme typologii řidičských stylů podle Taubman-Ben-Ari a rozebíráme souvislosti několika stylů – agresivního, bezpečného a úzkostného. V poslední části se zabýváme specifiky stylů řízení u mladých řidičů a vlivu rodičů na jejich řidičské chování. Velmi mladí řidiči mají tendenci k rizikovému chování při řízení. Tito řidiči často přejímají styl řízení od svých rodičů. Výzkum řidičských stylů a úprava asistenčních systémů vozidla tak, aby se těmto stylům přizpůsobily, může pomoci ke zvýšení bezpečnosti v dopravě a snížení emisí a celkového dopadu dopravy na životní prostředí

    Motorcycle door crashes: An evaluation of crash characteristics in Taipei City, Taiwan.

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    ObjectivesCrashes due to motorcyclists colliding with an open car door can cause devastating injuries. In Taiwan, such crashes typically occur when the motorcyclist is travelling alongside a row of parallel-parked cars, and a driver suddenly opens the door in front of or next to the motorcycle without determining whether it is safe to do so. Injuries resulting from motorcycle door crashes tend to be severe. This study examined the factors that contribute to motorcycle door crashes.MethodsBy using linked data from the National Traffic Crash Dataset and Emergency Medical Service for Taipei City for the years 2010-2015, this study estimated a mixed multinomial logit model to predict the likelihood of three types of door crashes: driver-door crashes, left passenger-door crashes, and right passenger-door crashes.ResultsData on 8237 motorcycle door crashes were extracted from the two datasets and matched. The results from the mixed multinomial logit model revealed that illegal parking, older car occupants, teenage car occupants, intoxicated car occupants and motorcyclists, and motorcycle speeding contribute to driver-door crashes; and female passengers and taxis as the type of vehicle involved in crash are associated with left passenger-door crashes.ConclusionsOur study suggested that controlling motorcycle speed, and prosecuting illegal parking and drink driving/riding may constitute effective countermeasures. The "Dutch Reach" intervention measure, which is commonly adopted in Europe for bicycle door crashes, should be applied in Taiwan to curb motorcycle door crashes, especially for elderly car occupants


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    Using the speed of professional truck drivers, the effectiveness of speed limit signs was compared for 1) a temporary variable-message sign that uses LED technology and displays the current speed limit (hereinafter “VSL sign”) and 2) a normal vertical road sign with retroreflective sheeting (hereinafter “ordinary sign”). Measurements were made at two locations in the Czech Republic. Each location provided a different scenario with a different displayed speed limit on both types of signs (60 kph or 80kph). Similar measurements were made in a driving simulation. Drivers were more likely to slow down in the presence of a VSL sign than in the presence of an ordinary sign on a real road, however, no differences were found in the driving simulation. The overall results indicate that VSL signs seem to be respected more than ordinary signs in reducing professional truck drivers’ speed. Therefore, VSL signs may be beneficial as a part of a telematic system and in places with high accident risk